Welcome to Whispering Tales!
I've been wanting to document when Jesica and I go exploring locations for some time now. I don't have a lot of extra time and to be honest I'm not very good at writing. If you follow my photography through social media you probably already know that! That being said, I'm going to give it an honest shot! Jesica and I started a brand called "Souled" for this exact reason. Souled is about the love of the forest and exploring what beauty that nature offers us under the umbrella of trees. There's endless adventures, all with different experiences just waiting for us to go explore.
There is one image that I took that really sparked this vision and I called it "Whisper". It was a small tree in fall color all alone in the vast Nantahala National Forest covered in a blanket of fog. This photo spoke to me! The calm that was in the air was what I needed at that time I guess. There was no noise or disruptions. So I ended up passing this image along with my idea for the logo for Souled to my nephew Robbie and a few of his friends. I wanted the tree to represent the adventure and Souled to be written in the roots of the tree to represent what grounds you. Some folks like sticking their feet in the sand and some folks like walking down the streets of a bustling city. For Jesica and I, we find our peace in the woods. When trying to come up with a name for the blog I thought about my image Whisper. I wanted to include it somehow. I thought of the word tales and looked up it's definition which said, " a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively recounted. Once I read it I knew "Whispered Tales" was it!
So I hope you join us and follow our experiences which will be told in words and photographs. I will offer a little behind the scenes on a few images if the story is good!